Friday, November 27, 2009


Paul Edgecombe
: John… tell me what you want me to do. You want me to take you out o' here? Just let you run away? See how far you could get?

John Coffey: Why would you do such a foolish thing?

Paul Edgecombe: On the day of my judgment, when I stand before God, and He asks me why did I… did I kill one of his true… miracles… what am I gonna say? That it was my job? [muttering] It was my job.

John Coffey: You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done.
[Coffey puts his hand on Edgecombe's wrung ones.]

John Coffey: I know you hurtin' and worryin'. I can feel it on you. But you oughta quit on it now. I want it over and done with. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. I'm tired of never having me a buddy to be with, to tell me where we's going to, or coming from, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world every day. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?

Paul Edgecombe: Yes, John, I think I can.

[The green mile]

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eid Mubarak : )

يوم عرفة

لبيك اللهم لبيك
، لبيك لا شريك لك لبيك، إن الحمد والنعمة لك والملك، لا شريك لك, لبيك

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


MABROOOOOOOK ... 11:04 pm

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And I apologize...

So I started to write this blog, and Imust admit, lotta things are not clear YET. Still want to upload youtube videos and i don't how I can achieve that. BUT BUT I will, and soon you will see a video. :D

I will leave you with one of finest pieces from Def Jam Poetry.
It called [I apologize] by Oscar Brown Jr

(Note: i will try to upload the vedio, meanwhile read and open the link)

I apologize for being black
All I am plus all I lack
Please sir, please m’am
Give me some slack
‘Cause I apologize

I apologize for being poor
For being sick and tired and sore
Since I ain’t slick
Don’t know the score
I do apologize

I apologize because I bear
Resemblance most black people share
Thick lips, flat nose, and nappy hair
Yes I apologize

I apologize for how I look
For all of the lows and blows I took
On those Lord knows I’d close the book
As I apologize

I apologize for all I gave
For letting you make me yo’ slave
And going to my early grave
Yes I apologize

I apologize for being caught
For being sold, for being bought
For being told I count for naught
Yeah I apologize

I apologize for all I’ve done
For all my toil out in the sun
Don’t want to spoil your righteous fun
So I apologize

I apologize and curse my kind
For being fooled, for being blind
For being ruled, and in your bind
Yes I apologize

I apologize and curse my feet
For being slow, for being late
Because I know it’s me you hate
Why not apologize

I apologize and tip my hat
‘Cause you so rich and free and fat
Son of a bitch, that’s where it’s at
And I apologize


One of my fav. plants in my uni :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

....I'm Mad As Hell....

I don't have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It's a depression. Everybody's out of work or scared of losing their job. The dollar buys a nickel's worth; banks are going bust; shopkeepers keep a gun under the counter; punks are running wild in the street, and there's nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there's no end to it.

We know the air is unfit to breathe and our food is unfit to eat. And we sit watching our TVs while some local newscaster tells us that today we had fifteen homicides and sixty-three violent crimes, as if that's the way it's supposed to be !

We all know things are bad -- worse than bad -- they're crazy.

It's like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don't go out any more. We sit in the house, and slowly the world we're living in is getting smaller, and all we say is, "Please, at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel-belted radials, and I won't say anything. Just leave us alone."

Well, I'm not going to leave you alone. I want you to get mad!

I don't want you to protest. I don't want you to riot. I don't want you to write to your Congressman, because I wouldn't know what to tell you to write. I don't know what to do about the depression and the inflation and the Russians and the crime in the street.

All I know is that first, you've got to get mad.

You've gotta say, "I'm a human being, goddammit! My life has value!"

So, I want you to get up now. I want all of you to get up out of your chairs. I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell:

"I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!!"

- Network movie -

Monday, November 9, 2009

sms #1

I enjoy being MYSELF, I'm proud of who I AM, I do represent myself, and I feel GOOD when I do that.

H A T E R S, Thank you. Without you I wouldn't fly HIGH ;) .


It's one of the finest thing I did, when I was beginner :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Malaika !

Today's proverbs.

" Embe dodo sawa sawa na kisukari "


Means: Something is better than nothing

Friday, November 6, 2009


.:.:. LOL .:.:.
It was FUN day @ cytopathology labortatory :)
More >> flicker.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Learning to choose

Saint Antão was living in the desert, when a young man came to him: "Father, I sold all my belongings and gave to the poor. I kept only a few things in order to survive here. I want you to teach me the way to salvation."

Saint Antão asked the young man to sell the few things he had kept and, with the money, to buy meat in town. He was to return with the meat tied to his body. The young man obeyed. On his way back, he was attacked by dogs and falcons, who wanted a piece of the meat.

"I am back" said the young man, showing his scratched, bitten body, and his clothes in rags. "Why did you tell me to do that?"

"To show that what you brought from your past, is of no use in your present. When you must choose a new path, do not bring old experiences with you. Those who strike out afresh, but who attempt to retain a little of the old life, end up torn apart by their own memories." said Saint Antão.

PauloCoelho - Warrior of the Light [Volume 1]

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My People.

The night is beautiful,

So the faces of my people.

The stars are beautiful,
So the eyes of my people.

Beautiful, also, is the sun.
Beautiful, also, are the souls of my people

- Langston Hughes -